Saturday, December 13, 2008
Our Romantic Getaway
Michael and my one year anniversary was on December 7th so we wanted to go somewhere and do something fun. We decided to go stay at a hotel in Valencia and go to Six Flags. So we made reservations, got time off of work (my time was not paid for, his was) and headed out. We have to drive through LA and of course there was traffic but we were still having fun driving together and just chatting. When we got there and saw our room we were pleasantly surprised. It was a little small but it was still nice. So we hung out for a bit and then went to dinner at Black Angus with some money we got from our parents as a gift. (Nice, huh?) Except...my sour cream on my baked potato was burning my tongue and tasted like metal. I made Michael try it and he agreed. We asked our waitress. She said it was not sour cream, it was horseradish something or another. WHAT?! Why was it on my plate?? We gratefully got a new potato and enjoyed the rest of our dinner. Steak, potatoes, veggies, and a virgin strawberry daquiri (like what we got on our honeymoon that we loved so much). We went back to the hotel and enjoyed the rest of the night. The next morning (Friday) we went downstairs and had a pretty decent continental breakfast before heading out to our fun day of rollercoasters. We called up to check what time they were open. "NOT OPEN UNTIL SATURDAY." WHAT?!?!? We couldn't believe our luck. Of COURSE that had to happen. We decided since we were staying another night at the hotel anyway we could manage to go Saturday after we check out and just not stay very long (I have a work party tonight) and drive home. We brought our PS3 to watch movies and play games, so we figured we would make the best of our day and just enjoy a day vegging out. When we went back to our room, Michael realized we forgot a cord we needed to plug the PS3 into the tv. So we went to Target and got the cord then went back to the hotel. We saw that we needed a power cord too. I had Michael make this trip alone as I flipped channels. He was gone for about 2 hours searching for that dang cord. He went to Target, two Game Stops,a Best Buy, and he finally found one at Game Crazy. When he got back we saw we needed a universal remote to work the tv. Another trip to Target. Back to the hotel. We got batteries, but we got AA instead of the AAA that we needed to work it. So we drove around again (after getting a little turned around) and bought some batteries at a gas station. AAA this time. We went back to the hotel AGAIN. Apparently the tv is set to not be able to change input so you can only order from their inhouse pay per view. By this time I was thinking about smashing a hole in a wall in our room and Michael was feeling defeated. Now what? If we can't watch movies, play games, or do anything in Valencia (there is like NOTHING out there except stores and restaurants and we had already spent about 30 bucks on things we already had at home and couldnt use), what can we do? No 6 Flags. No movies. No games. No fun. Lots of bad feelings about the day. We decided to cut our losses and go home. We didn't want to waste our time together being bored. So we left, without a refund for the second night, and headed into traffic in LA at the prime driving hours. It took us three hours to get home...including a trip to go to the bathroom in downtown LA. We were the the only white people there. We went to one store, no bathroom. A ghetto restaurant, no bathroom. And a no whites allowed store where the womens restroom was closed for "cleaning". Michael led me into the mens restroom after making sure the coast was clear (although there was a line of people watching us as they were waiting to be checked out) and I ran into a stall. The toilet was naturally filled already and the seat was all scratched up. There was a noise coming from what I thought was the next stall over. Michael was holding my purse as I tried to hurry. We made a ran for it to our car. Michael was trying to look as tough as he could as I didn't make eye contact. I lowered my seat in the car (a bunch of homies were looking in our car) to a laying down position until we got back on the freeway with the help of our not-always-so-dependable-GPS (that we of course had lowered out of sight as well). We finally made it home after a long long sometimes painful drive. We actually made it home in time for Tyler's farewell party! More to come later! Hope you enjoyed the story of our horrible, somewhat funny, adventurous weekend getaway.
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Haha, I loved this post! This makes for a good story to tell the kids later.
That is SO funny! I can only imagine how crazy that was! So I'm happy I just discovered your blog- I'm adding you to my list! (parismetro.blogspot.com)
Oh, you said it was disastrous but I didn't know it was that bad! I'm sorry!! At least you guys have a sense of humor about it and can look back and laugh. It is kinda funny :)
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