On Monday I was at work and then around 2:00 pm I started having to go to the bathroom seriously like every 10-15 minutes and I never felt empty. Then it started to hurt. Then it started to bleed...(I warned you!)...by about 3:20 pm I went into my boss's office and told her that I might need to go home early...explained why...and she said that her daughter had bladder infections all the time and that it sounded like I had one. It came on SO fast!! She told me to go to the doctors right away. I hurried and left, had to walk half a mile to get to the subway while calling Michael to please make me a doctor appointment.
I got to the train and about 5 minutes after it left LA I had to really pee AGAIN!! But I hate using public restrooms...especially when it's moving. I couldn't take it anymore! I hurried to the restroom. Try having this problem and trying to pee while the train is bumping and you are falling side to side. Not fun. Eventually I got to my train stop. By this time it was about 4:30 pm and I had to make it to the doctors by 5:00 pm. (Luckily Michael was able to get me an appointment.) The whole half hour drive was miserable. I thought I just might pee my pants. It seemed to get progressively worse- very quickly. On the drive there, I broke my own rule (that I just recently made for myself) and called my mom. I knew Michael wouldn't be able to meet me at the doctors because he had to leave for work at 4:45 pm. I'm a little emberassed to say that I called my mom...what can I say? I was freaked out! I needed support. She met me there (thanks mom!) and by that point I had to go. Like, reeeeeally bad. Before I even sat with a nurse, they gave me a cup to go pee in because I was going to pop. That's when it happened. The worst pee of my life. For some reason it just kept getting more painful...and..ahem..more bloody. Gross, I know. I almost fainted/threw up from the pain of just going.
Turns out, surprise surprise, I had an infection! They gave me this nasty, horrific, horribly painful shot in my butt. It was antibiotics that was supposed to jumpstart my recovery. Then they got me the antibiotic pills, and this medicine called AZO that takes away most of the pain. But it turns your pee orange/red, which is pretty disturbing.
Anyway, today is Wednesday, I'm back at work and I don't feel any pain anymore!! Yay! I just took my last dose of pain meds (you can only take it for 2 days) and I still have to take antibiotics. I'm hoping that it is over, and I'm not just not feeling pain because the medicine. It seriously was the worst pain I have ever felt. Like peeing acid bullets every 5-10 minutes, trying not to pass out, all the while having a sore butt that makes it hard to sit/lay/walk.
This experience definitely made me more aware of that area and I am going to try everything I can to make sure it will never happen again. I can't take it! Now, all you ladies that have gone through labor/childbirth...I don't know how you did it. I know it's different, but I am sure it is a lot more painful than this...in a different way. It made me want to wait longer to have babies. Shots, pain, sickness...I can't do it. In some ways I am strong...tough, even. But when it comes to sensitive parts...I guess I am a wimp.

Omg! That sounds absolutely painful! I am glad that you are starting to feel better now though!
Oh no! That sounds awful! Glad it's ok now. At least after labor you get a beautiful baby and forget all about the pain!
Ugh, that sounds like it was horrible!! And I've had some infections before and believe me, I'll take childbirth over that sting/painful pee feeling. You get the reward and if you choose you get the drugs :)
FYI - the pain associated with labor and childbirth is RIDICULOUS, but there's something that changes a woman mentally to make the pain seem endurable. You know you're getting a sweet package at the end of it all, that you've worked on for a long and hard 9 months! Every other pain downstairs is going to totally suck, because there's nothing waiting at the end of the tunnel except for it to just go away! Im glad everything's ok. Bladder infections are gnarly. And don't think it has anything to do with cleanliness - women can get them from being TOO clean. It has more to do with your insides, anyway. Best of luck on not getting another one! And hey, calling your mom was the right thing to do. That's what they're around for!
Oh my gosh that sounds so awful! I'm sorry you had to go through that! And I know exactly what you mean...I'm fine if I cut my arm or leg or something, but when it's in a sensitive area like that, it's a whole other story. This baby is coming in 5 1/2 months so I guess I'd better just brace myself! It'll be totally worth it, but that's going to hurt! :/
Ah Shelley! Thats terrible!! I cant believe you actually HELD it the whole commute home, wow! I'd say that actually proves how strong you are, haha! Thats no whimp. And yeah, I agree with the other mothers that posted - the day you start feeling labor pains - its the happiest day of your life! I had never been so excited to be in pain in my whole life! Definitely better than peeing acid! lol. Glad you're feeling better!
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